Goodbye Winter.

Summer’s around the corner.

A whole season has gone by since I started blogging here. Time has flown. No, this isn’t going to be one of those nostalgic posts of years passing and growing older, watching everything change with your very own eyes. Boy, no.

In three days, my summer vacation will have begun. I can’t wait, because there’s a zillion things I want to do. Bake a cake, for starters. Or cupcakes! More importantly, however, these holidays are so promising! I keep pinching myself to see if I’m in a dream or not.

Plus, I have a new hairstyle to fidget with while I get through my last two exams. Getting three quarters of my hair cut off yesterday was quite the experience. I now have uber short, ultra chic hair.

Oh, and one more thing – Look out your window tonight. The moon’s beautiful. I’m going to stare at it till my eyes shut the big, round, magnificent rock out and find magic of their own.

Goodbye winter, goodnight moon. :*