‘Tis The Season To Feel Bleurgh.

Of all the months, December is the worst to schedule exams for. I get that it’s the end of another month and assessments must be done, but say ‘December’ and you think of holidays, Christmas decorations, sweaters and cheer.

Last time I checked, exams do not bring with them any form of cheer. Of course, there is the relief that settles in AFTER all the tests are over, but December doesn’t need any such stimulus.

This doesn’t feel like the season to be merry/jolly/other positive emotion. I feel bleurgh.

Anyway, my Anthropology text is giving me ‘Come, hither’ looks now. I should go. Bleurgh.

Bleurgh is a fun word.


Btw, 8 days more. Wheeee!

Hide Me In Red.

The lady in the red dress stared out of the window. Trees, buildings and all sorts of mundane activity went by, but she didn’t move a muscle. She’d taken off her heels. They were lying on the seat beside her. Her earphones hummed with loud music from her iPod.

A tear trickled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away – her first move. She then went back to solitary staring into space.

Soon, she was all alone in her compartment. The train was nearing its destination. As it announced its last stop, she picked up her big red bag, stepped into her high heels and got off with a smile plastered across her face.

She ran headlong into her lover’s open arms.

In other news, #HappyBirthdayTaylor. ❤