Gold Is Old.

I’ve never really understood why people wear that horrendous yellow jewellery all over their bodies. Centuries ago, it might have been the only option for decorating oneself, but in this day and age, why is gold still such an essential?

A little can be pretty, I agree. But gold is a measure of one’s wealth and grandeur in our Indian society and women seem to think that they need to use their necks as display holders. Decking up with all the jewellery you have should not be acceptable. But I digress…

This evening, I was at a mall looking at furniture. Antique furniture is beautiful. Vintage patterns are lovely. I saw a pretty quilt with a blue vintage-y design on it. I like quilts.

This + Quilt = Heaven.

Winter is setting in. Scarves are coming out. I’m excited for the next month.

This year has been a whirlwind and I’ve loved every minute. Skip the gold, buy me a vintage patterned quilt and I’ll love you more.