Hello, Exams.

Blogging seems quite redundant nowadays. I’m only doing this because it appears to be a constructive distraction. I should be studying, I really should.
They are back. Today I stocked up on stationery. I’ve run out of excuses now. Pshhh. Must get down to it.

12 days to go for me to get another year older. This year has been exciting. So many new ideas and so much fun. Yay.

What more to say? I don’t know. Why are you here? Go away. Stop reading. I have no idea where this is going. Honestly. You should really give up.
You’re still here. Wow. Good job. Here, have a cookie. It’s delicious, I promise. Like the rain. Or a pink sky with a rainbow.  Or a field of yellow flowers. Or the beach.
The beach. I miss the beach.

I should get going now. You too? Yes, that’s what I thought. Finally. Thanks, though.

P.S: In keeping with the countdowns, Taylor Swift’s new album releases in 21 days and Gossip Girl is back in a week. Wheeee! Best birthday month ever! Except for the exams. But shhh.
Thank you. You are lovely. Now go buy me a present.

We’re About To Begin

Saturday night. Family photographs, poetry, YouTube.
Anthropology. Literature.

Malhar is over. Life is dull. One dreary day after the next, with evening naps and chai at tea time.
And assignments to finish writing.

Observations to make, parallels to draw, conclusions to arise to.
Stay. Don’t leave. I’m not done yet.

I stayed to say hi.
Oks now. I must get going.
Quarter past midnight.
Assignments to begin.
Bye bye.

Love, No Matter What

Life’s all ponies and rainbows and things, but there’s always the flip side – the shit ponies leave behind, the floods before a rainbow, the emptiness following goodbyes. Just because we choose to look at the flowery side of things, doesn’t mean we’re blind to the rest.

Move on. Mistakes turn into memories that drift away. Nothing stays the same.

You have no right to etch my mistakes into my skin. You have no right to condemn me to eternal misery. You have no right to say what I should feel. You have no right because you’ve made mistakes too. You’ve done the same things.

Maybe you’re trying to protect me. Maybe you’re filled with hate. Maybe you’re miserable in your own life and pointing out my flaws makes you happy.

Just because you say I should look at the slush, doesn’t mean I’m going to. I’m still going to look at the clouds. I’m still going to throw my head back when I laugh, and laugh till I cry. I’m still going to put on my shortest shorts in the rain. I’m still going to love, no matter what.

Of course, nothing cheers me up as quickly as a Sara Bareilles song. This is one I found recently and has, undoubtedly, become one of my all-time SB favourites.



Summer Deductions.

Two and a half months into my internship at GQ, I’d like to think that this summer has brought me one step closer to wisdom and self-discovery. I’d like to think that I know who I want to be and what I want to do. Heck, if all else fails, at least I know that I can photocopy the shit out of life, right?

I can barely believe we’re six months into 2012. Summer is almost over and as sunny skies give way to cloudy heavens, I grow older. In 10 days, I’m going to get into my second year of college. But time is ever present, counting itself down – seconds, days, years – tik tok, tik tok. In the end, it’s the moments of joy, the little moments that take our breath away – they’re the ones that matter. They’re the ones that stay with us.

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt this summer, it’s the importance of finding what you love and doing it. Laugh on the good days, have a cupcake on the shitty ones. Nothing lasts forever. Breathe and let go.

“Ignore those that make you fearful and sad, that degrade you back towards disease and death.” – Rumi.

The Hunger Games (In Cinemas And My Tummy.)

It’s been a while.

The Hunger Games movie released in India, along with the rest of the world, yesterday. I watched it this afternoon.

Just as I expected, the movie was far from a let down. While minor changes were made with regard to the book, on the whole it was a superb adaptation. The subtle satirical parallels drawn with current reality television and the inherent dystopia amidst all the drama makes for not only an entertaining but also enlightening film. Of course, that point could be missed with the amount of hype surrounding the release of the film. I think that the many comparisons of this series to the Twilight Saga depict the ignorance of the writers of these articles. I mean, come on… a two-guys-one-girl story does not guarantee a cheesy teenage romance. Such assumptions are just plain stupid.

Jennifer Lawrence does a brilliant job as Katniss. She is a much better actor than I expected. I didn’t realise that Caesar Flickerman, the TV show host, was played by Stanley Tucci. He did a magnificent job, as always. The costumes were amazing. I absolutely loved the way Effie Trinket was portrayed. Stunning hair and make up. I’m rather unsure if Josh Hutcherson makes the perfect Peeta Mellark but he did play the part to the T. Overall, the casting was quite appropriate.

I’m so glad Suzanne Collins worked on the screenplay. The adaptation was beautiful, as if they drew it out of my own mind. Don’t miss it. Of course, I suggest you also read the books because they’re too awesome to skip out on.

I’m going to go find someone to make me a sandwich now. Indolence resides even in the best of us on a weekend like this.

Have a brilliant summer! What with the heat setting in, looks like we can all be “on fire.”

Goodbye Winter.

Summer’s around the corner.

A whole season has gone by since I started blogging here. Time has flown. No, this isn’t going to be one of those nostalgic posts of years passing and growing older, watching everything change with your very own eyes. Boy, no.

In three days, my summer vacation will have begun. I can’t wait, because there’s a zillion things I want to do. Bake a cake, for starters. Or cupcakes! More importantly, however, these holidays are so promising! I keep pinching myself to see if I’m in a dream or not.

Plus, I have a new hairstyle to fidget with while I get through my last two exams. Getting three quarters of my hair cut off yesterday was quite the experience. I now have uber short, ultra chic hair.

Oh, and one more thing – Look out your window tonight. The moon’s beautiful. I’m going to stare at it till my eyes shut the big, round, magnificent rock out and find magic of their own.

Goodbye winter, goodnight moon. :*



I Know Who I Will Be When I Grow Up.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you probably know of my love for The Hunger Games. You probably also know that I’ve posted one too many times about it. Don’t fear, this isn’t about the book as much as it is about it’s creator. (Oh, if you’re not a regular and haven’t been here before, I think that The Hunger Games trilogy is the best thing that could happen to the world. You really should get yourself a copy. No, I’m not being paid to say that.)

So. I’ve figured out who I want to be when I grow up. Who, you ask? Suzanne Collins.

90s’ Nickelodeon aired reruns of Clarissa Explains It All. As a kid, it was my all-time favourite show. I remember wanting to be Clarissa and have Sam (Clarissa’s best friend) climb through my window. Guess who was one of the show’s writers? Suzanne Collins! Let’s fast forward 10 years, eh? I read the Hunger Games and there she is again – creating brilliant chemistry between Katniss, Peeta and Gale, making me fall in love with all three characters, changing the world. I think she’s simply marvelous.

My joy might seem irrational, but this is the person who wrote stuff I ran back from school and ate my vegetables for! She is definitely one of people I hope to meet someday.

In retrospect, my fear of the upcoming Hunger Games film ruining the magic of the books was rather uncalled for. Turns out, Collins adapted the novel for the film herself. Now that it’s in the best hands, I can’t wait for its release!

I could go on and on, but I should go study. End semester exams start day after. Sigh.

Suzanne Collins, I love you.

Of Taxi Doors and Cats.

Taxis are out to kill me. No, really.

Today, while entering the cab to Churchgate, I banged my face into the door-frame of the taxicab. I bet that cab had secret octopus hands that reached out to punch me in the eye. There’s something about taxis and me that isn’t right. Maybe it’s the blackish blue patch that’s appearing around my eye. These Fiat vehicles are either made for much shorter people or  I just have terrible depth perception. I’m really, really hoping that isn’t the case. I see myself cruising down the road in a fancy ass car someday. Dreams can’t just go to the dogs like that.

Speaking of dogs, I don’t know if I’m specifically a dog person or a cat person. While at this moment, I’d prefer to have my own cat – because they’re ohsocuddly and independent and wise – I don’t think I’d mind owning a dog either. Does that say volumes about me? What happens if I’m half way between the two? I’ve been looked at weirdly, more than I like, because of this indecisiveness. Are you judging me now too? In my opinion, both creatures are the cute and it’s not only difficult but also mean to pick one! Maybe it’s just a Libra thing.

Then again, what does it matter? Cats and dogs aren’t the ones out to kill me. Humans are. Humans with those meter-driven, greasy taxi doors.

Make ‘Em Come True.

The last two days have, officially, been the best days of my life so far. So amazing, in fact, that Adele’s Concert DVD: Live at the Royal Albert Hall has been staring coyly at me from my desktop and I’ve managed to ignore it.

Life works in such magical ways, sometimes. Scratch that, ALWAYS. If you know what you want and you can clearly see it, it will be yours. Law of the universe. No kidding.

However, everything comes to an end. And while that’s another beginning (because it’s all a vicious circle), I must ask – Is there really, ever, an end? But I digress…

Exams begin in about 10 days and then I will have finished one more year of college life. I should really get out those markers and sharpen my pencils. Must start studying.

Tomorrow. After Adele’s concert. I promise.



Writer’s Block.

It’s funny how stuff that really needs to get done, stuff you really do want to do… that’s the stuff you procrastinate most about. And by funny, I mean bloody annoying. I really should have started my article for my college psych mag by now if I plan to meet the deadline, but that hasn’t happened yet.

Every ounce of enthusiasm I had this afternoon has vanished. I’ve been staring at my computer screen, watching Taylor Swift videos (yes, I’ve included one for you too) and being your friendly neighbourhood Facebook stalker. I’m so bored.

I’ve lit a candle in hope of some inspiration. Let’s see where this goes. An attempt must be made.

In the mean while, you should watch this. It’s beautifully raw and haunting and it just might be my favourite TS video. No kidding.